Circus Life

“There are girls in feathered costumes who spin at various heights, suspended by ribbons that they can manipulate. Marionettes that control their own strings.”
Erin Morgenstern

Last June I finally mustered up the courage to go along to a ‘circus fitness’ class and from there I started to learn static trapeze. I go (most) Sundays for an hour and half, going home with bruises and a smile on my face. Even if the training session has involved failed attempts at various moves, or in the worst cases falling off repeatedly, I always leave with a sense of achievement and satisfaction.

“The circus collects the outsiders like a flame tempts moths.”
Laura Lam, Pantomime

The best thing about these classes for me, has been the friends I have made. A ragtag bunch from all ages and walks of life who are some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met. Everyone assists each other, says words of encouragement and acknowledges achievements, no matter how small.  In a world full of competition, this is a group of people who want others to learn and will happily share any hints or tips they have.

Making new friends is difficult but at no point was I ever made to feel outside of the clique by those who had been going to these classes long before me. Fear of failing at something we were learning slowly went away as I realized that everyone that goes to the class is on their own fitness journey and were all at my stage at some point.

The instructors are just as kind; having a laugh with the classes while at the same time imparting their knowledge and encouraging our growth.

When everything else in my life seems to be going badly, circus is now my escape and reprieve. It’s difficult to worry about work or money when you’re dangling from a trapeze bar with one leg! It’s my stress relief and I love every minute of it.

so, Let’s run away and join the Circus!